Cocktail Recipes

Peep some recipes utilizing all your favorite spirits, sure to please even the most discerning imbiber.

Siren's Song

3/4oz Passion Fruit Vanilla Syrup

1/2oz Fresh Lemon Juice

2oz White Rum

2 dashes Orange Bitters

1/4oz PX Sherry (float) 

3-4oz Club soda

Combine all ingredients (except Sherry and Soda) into a shaker tin and shake with ice. Strain into a tall collins glass, and add your club soda. Stir gently to incorporate. Add a large spear of ice, and using the back of a spoon, 'float' the sherry on top. Garnish with a fresh lime and tangerine wheel.

Strawberry Mezcalito

3/4oz Strawberry Jamaica Syrup

3/4oz Fresh Lime Juice

2oz Mezcal Espadin

2 Sprigs of fresh Mint

Pinch of salt

Strip the bottom leaves of mint and place into glass and give them a gentle muddle. Combine the rest of the ingredients into a shaker tin and shake with ice. Strain into the glass, and top with pebble ice. Slap the mint tops in your hand and tuck them into the glass. Salute!

Pimms Cup (Variation)

3/4oz Daddy's Grapefruit Syrup

1/2 Lime squeezed

1.5oz Gin

3/4oz Sour Cherry Liqueur (may use Cherry Herring but reduced to 1/2oz)

1/4oz Bruto Americano (may use Campari)

4-5oz Club soda

3 Cucumber slices

4 Mint leaves, reserve top for garnish

Combine all ingredients except club soda into a shaker tin and muddle the cucumber and mint thoroughly. Add ice and shake well. Double strain through a fine mesh strainer into a tall glass filled with fresh ice. Top with club soda. Cucumber-mint garnish, but make it fancy.

Grapefruit Fizz

1oz Daddy's Grapefruit Syrup

3/4oz fresh Lemon juice

1/2oz St. Germain

1oz Gin (navy strength)

1 egg white

4-5oz Pet Nat Rose

GF Peel garnish

5 drops Peychauds Bitters

Combine everything but the sparkling wine and garnishes into a cocktail shaker and dry-shake (without ice) for 30sec. Add one large ice cube to the shaker and shake again for 30sec-1min. Double strain into a tall glass, and wait for the foam to settle, then add a splash of bubbly. Wait again and add the rest of the bubbly. Garnish with the bitters and an expressed GF peel.

Festive Punch

1/2oz  Daddy's Cinnamon Demerara

3/4oz fresh Lime Juice

1oz Bourbon (100proof)

1/2oz Aperol Apertif

1/2oz Amantillado Sherry

1/4oz Pear Brandy

2dashes Angostura bitters

Orange twist/Rosemary garnish

Shake everything, except the garnishes with plenty of ice, strain over a large cube in a rocks glass. Add expressed garnishes to finish. (this involves slappin’ that rosemary, and twisting that twist).

To serve 20, just literally multiply the measurements by twenty. You got this.

Fall Punch

(Serves 25)

6.25oz Daddy's Cinnamon Demerara

6.25oz Daddy's Ginger Syrup

18.75oz fresh Lemon Juice

25oz fresh Apple Cider

25oz Pear Brandy (one 750ml bottle)

25oz Bourbon (one 750ml bottle)

Dry ice (optional ;) )

Tequila Old Fashioned

1/4oz Daddy's Cinnamon Demerara

4-5 dashes Angostura Bitters

2oz Reposado or Anejo Tequila

Orange Peel Garnish

Combine everything except garnish into a mixing glass with ice and stir for 30 turns. Strain over a large cube in a rocks glass. Express the orange peel over the glass, wipe the rim, and garnish.

Classic Mai Tai

3/4oz Daddy's Orgeat Syrup

1oz fresh Lime Juice

1/2oz Dry Curaçao

1.5oz White Rum

1/2oz Overproof Dark Rum (float)

2 dashes Angostura Bitters

Maraschino cherry garnish

Combine everything except dark rum, bitters and garnish into a shaker with ice and shake. Strain into a glass filled with fresh cracked or crushed ice. Using the back of a spoon, slowly float the Dark rum on top, with a few dashes of bitters. Garnish and float away to paradise.

Negroni Sour

1/2oz Daddy's J-Bird Syrup

1/2oz fresh Lime juice

3/4oz Walter Gin Collective (navy strength)

3/4oz Punt E Mes

3/4oz Campari

1 Egg white

Peychauds and Orange Bitters

Orange twist Garnish

Combine everything except the orange twist and bitters in a cocktail shaker and dry shake (without ice). Then add ice and shake again, strain into a coupe and garnish with expressed orange peel and bitters.


1/4oz Daddy's Cinnamon Demerara

2oz fresh OJ

1/2oz fresh lime

1.5oz Campari

1oz Punt E Mes

Orange slice garnish

Add everything but the garnish to a cocktail shaker and shake with ice. Strain into a rocks glass filled with fresh ice, garnish and happy brunch!

Banana Daiquiri

1oz Daddy's Banana Falernum Syrup

3/4oz fresh Lime Juice

2oz Light Aged Rum

1/2oz Overproof Dark Rum

2 Dashes Aromatic Bitters

1.5 cups ice


Garnish with a lime twist

Whiskey Grog

1/2oz Daddy's Cinnamon Demerara Syrup

3/4oz fresh Lemon Juice

1oz fresh OJ

1oz Bourbon

1oz Aged Rum

2-3 dashes Angostura Bitters

Fresh Mint and Grated Cinnamon garnish

Shake all ingredients except the garnish in a shaker with ice, then strain over fresh crushed ice.

Garnish. Drink. Enjoy!

Hot Toddy

1/2oz Daddy's Ginger Syrup

3/4oz fresh Lemon Juice

Barspoon (tsp) honey

1.5oz Bourbon

2 dashes Aromatic Bitters

5oz hot water

Combine everything into a pre-warmed cup, and stir thoroughly to dissolve the honey.